The CIPS Board Certification program was introduced in 2016 to enable CIPS members to attain an advanced practice credential in psychoanalysis.

Alyson Vega, Squares, 2020, Acrylic on canvas, 12 x 12 in
Alyson Vega, Squares, 2020, Acrylic on canvas, 12 x 12 in
The CIPS Board Certification program was designed to serve the unique needs of our diverse community in accordance with our commitment to the values of diversity, academic freedom, and lifelong learning. It is also intended to promote the professional standing of psychoanalysis in society by strengthening the credentialing system of psychoanalysis.
Credentialing is a fundamental feature of professions and professional status. Professions are, by definition, credentialed occupations. A profession’s viability depends, in part, on the rigor, credibility and comprehensiveness of its credentialing system. A mature credentialing system contains three different components:
Accreditation signifies that a training program meets educational standards while certification signifies that an individual has fulfilled training requirements as well as other postgraduate requirements established by the community.
Board certification and accreditation are mutually enhancing components of a professional credentialing system. The CIPS Board Certification program rests on graduation from an IPA training institute. Accreditation of our IPA institutes by accrediting bodies in the United States, such as the Accreditation Council for Psychoanalytic Education, in turn, is now increasingly predicated on the board certification of faculty, especially training and supervising analysts.
Board certification and accreditation facilitate and promote the establishment of state licensure, the third component of a professional credentialing system. State licensure is typically based on standards established by professions and implemented through accreditation and certification programs. State licensure is critical to a profession’s viability because it protects professional titles, rights and privileges.
Board Certification is a credential by which a professional community recognizes the maturity and expertise of its qualified members. Board Certification in Psychoanalysis is awarded by the CIPS Board of Examiners in recognition of a psychoanalyst’s experience and education.
Board certification will enable our highly experienced members to identify themselves to the public as Board Certified Psychoanalysts, while enabling the public, including prospective patients and other mental health professionals, to identify our members as expert psychoanalysts. Our Board Certification plan is unique in its emphasis on continuing education and experience. It is designed to promote lifelong professional growth and development while enhancing the professional standing of our members and our profession.
The CIPS Board Certification program will thus enhance our practices, strengthen the standing of our profession in the community, and support our larger goal of establishing psychoanalysis as an independent profession.
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The CIPS Board Certification assumes the core competencies that are signified by graduation from training. Our Board Certification is intended to signify the mastery and “seasoning” that accrues with clinical experience.
The education and experience criteria for Board Certification are detailed in the Certification Criteria section of the Certification pages in this website. In brief, the criteria include:
You must be a graduate of an IPA or APsaA training institute.
You must have at least five years of postgraduate experience in the conduct of both psychoanalysis and psychoanalytically informed psychotherapy, as well clinical consultation, supervision, and related teaching and training.
You must be a member of CIPS. If you are a member of CIPS, have been a member of the IPA for five years, and meet the experience requirements described above you may be eligible for Board Certification in Psychoanalysis through CIPS. If you are not a member of CIPS, but are a member of the IPA, you can join CIPS as a “Direct Member.” Click here To Join CIPS.
The Board Certification program is designed to avoid subjective factors, such as theoretical biases or professional politics, that can compromise the fairness of the assessment procedure.
Board Certification is conferred on the basis of attestations and documentation demonstrating fulfillment of the required education and experience criteria. You will be asked to complete a formal application and to submit two letters of recommendation on your behalf by qualified analysts.
Your application will be prepared by an employed administrator and forwarded to the Board of Examiners in Psychoanalysis for a blind review. The Board of Examiners, an autonomous body comprised of senior analysts from each of the CIPS societies, will conduct a blind evaluation of your application. You will not be required to submit to any formal review of your clinical work nor is there any further examination procedure.
Your Board Certification will be valid for seven years. Renewal of your certification will simply require completion of a standard application form, attesting to continuing experience and education, along with two letters of recommendation and a check to cover the recertification fee.
The application fee for Board Certification is $150. Your application will not be processed until the application fee is paid. You may pay this fee online here or by check payable to CIPS for $150 sent to:
It is easy to apply for Board Certification in Psychoanalysis through our certification program.
First, review the criteria for certification listed on the Criteria for Board Certification pages in this section of the website.
Second, go to the Application page (Temporary Unavailable) in this section of the website, fill out the application and submit your application online. You will see the “SUBMIT” button on the bottom of the page.
Third, when you have submitted the application, ask two experienced analysts who know your work to submit letters of reference on your behalf, utilizing the reference letter forms located in this section of the website.
If you have any questions about the application process, please contact the Board Certification Administrator, Connie Stroboulis, at
If you have been certified by the Board of Examiners, you are entitled to place the BCPsa certification mark after your name on business cards, stationery, and other documents.
In addition, if you have attained your BCPsa, you may wish to have a BCPsa Certificate, suitable for framing, in your office. This certificate, displayed below, is 11″ X 14″. The cost is $25. If you are interested, please contact Board Certification Administrator, Connie Stroboulis, at
It is easy to apply for Board Certification in Psychoanalysis through our certification program. If you have any questions about the application process, please contact the Board Certification Administrator, Connie Stroboulis, at
Review the criteria for certification listed here, fill out the form and submit your application online.
Ask two experienced analysts who know your work to submit letters of reference on your behalf.
Click here to pay the $150 application fees. Your application will not be processed until the application fee is paid.
Shelley Alhanati, PhD, BCPsa
Catherine Anderson, PhD, BCPsa
John Andrus, MD, BCPsa
Martine Aniel, PhD, BCPsa
Patricia Antin, PhD, BCPsa
Bonnie H. Asnes, LCSW, BCPsa
Barbara Baer, PhD, BCPsa
Jill Model Barth, PhD, BCPsa
Harriet Basseches, PhD, ABPP, FIPA, BCPsa
Delia Battin, LCSW, BCD, FIPA, BCPsa
Mirta Berman-Olesner, PsyA, LMHC, FIPA, BCPsa
Jerome Blackman, MD, FIPA, BCPsa
Dana Blue, LICSW, FIPA, BCPsa
Joseph Bobrow, PhD, BCPsa
Victor Bonfilio, PhD, BCPsa
Ani Buk, LP, CAT, BCPsa
Gloria Ann Burgess Levin, PsyD, LP, FIPA, BCPsA
Jane Burka, PhD, BCPsa
Luca Caldironi, MD, BCPsa
Joseph Cancelmo, PsyD, FIPA, BCPsa
Robert Carr, DSW, BCPsa
Monica Carsky, PhD, FIPA, BCPsa
Judith Chertoff, MD, BCPsa
Barbara Cohen, PsyD, MFT, BCPsa
Janet Cohen, PhD, BCPsa
Persila Conversano, PsyD, BCPsa
Joseph Couch, PhD, BCPsa
Reyna Cowan, PsyD, LCSW, BCPsa
Nancy Cromer-Grayson, LCSW, BCPsa
Elie Debbane, MD, FIPA, BCPsa
Douglas Dennett, MD, BCPsa
Sharon Dennett, LCSW, FIPA, BCPsa
Michael Diamond, PhD, BCPsa
Pamela Dirham, PhD, BCPsa
Dori Dubin, PsyD, LCSW, BcPsa
Jeffrey Eaton, MA, FIPA, BCPsa
William Edkins, PsyD, BCPsa
Judy Eekhoff, PhD, FIPA, BCPsa
Nancy Einbinder, LCSW, BCPsa
Dianne Elise, PhD, BCPsa
Paula Ellman, PhD, ABPP, BCPsa
Vivian Eskin, PhD, BCPsa
Judith Felton, LCSW, BCPsa
Susan Finkelstein, LCSW, BCPsa
Susan Flynn, PhD, BCPsa
Maureen Franey, PhD, BCPsa
Elizabeth Fritsch, PhD, BCPsa
Jeanette Gadt, PhD, BCPsa
Josie Gallup, PsyD, MFA, BCPsa
Diane Garcia, PhD, BCPsa
Sandra Garfield, PhD, BCPsa
Helen Gediman, PhD, ABPP, FIPA, BCPsa
Julie Gerhardt, PhD, BCPsa
Debra Gill, LCSW, BCPsa
Janis Goldman, PhD, PsyD, BCPsa
Francisco Gonzalez, MD, BCPsa
James Gooch, MD, PhD, BCPsa
Shirley Gooch, RN, PhD, BCPsa
Nancy Goodman, PhD, BCPsa
Andrea Greenman, PhD, BCPsa
Hugh B. Grubb, PsyD, MFT, BCPsa
Jane Hall, LCSW, FIPA, BCPsa
Lisa Halotek, PsyD, BCPsa
Caron Harrang, LICSW, FIPA, BCPsa
Adrienne Harris, PhD, BCPsa
Mark Hassan, PhD, BCPsa
Fonya Helm, PhD, ABPP, BCPsa
Thomas Patrick Helscher, PhD, BCPsa
Ellen Hirsch, LCSW, BCPsa
Joan Hoffenberg, PhD, FIPA, BCPsa
Leslie Howard, PhD, BCPsa
Marvin Hurvich, PhD, BCPsa
Steven Isaacman, PhD, BCPsa
David Paul Jachim, PhD, FIPA, BCPsa
Susan Jay, PhD, BCPsa
Andrea Kahn, PhD, PsyD, FIPA, BCPsa
Beth Kalish, PhD, BCPsa
G. Michael Kampschaefer, PsyD, ABPP, BCPsa
Sharon Karp-Lewis, PsyD, MSW, BCPsa
Esther Karson, PhD, FIPA, BCPSA
Ralph Kaywin, DMH, BCPsa
Asher Keren-Zvi, PhD, BCPsa
Laura Kleinerman, MS, CNS, BCPsa
Kimberly Kleinman, MS, LCSW, BCPsa
Ellen Klosson, PhD, BCPsa
Danielle Knafo, PhD, BCPsa
Elliot Kronish, PhD, BCPsa
Jennifer Kunst, PhD, BCPsa
Jo Lang , PhD, BCPsa
Jennifer Langham, PhD, BCPsa
Linda Lasater, PhD, BCPsa
Richard Lasky, PhD, ABPP, BCPsa
Barbara Levin, PhD, BCPsa
Ruth Levine, LCSW, BCPsa
Marsha Levy-Warren, PhD, PC, BCPsa
Jacqueline Lichtenstein, MD, BCPsa
Naomi Lieberman, PsyD, BCPsa
Susan Light, MS, LCSW, FIPA, BCPsa
Vladimir Lipovetsky, MD, BCPsa
Kay Ludwig, LCSW, BCPsa
John Lundgren, MD, FIPA, BCPsa
Carol Mason-Straughan, M Ed, BCPsa
Anthony Mazzella, PhD, BCPsa
Terrence McBride, PsyD, BCPsa
Julie McCaig, PhD, BCPsa
Cynthia Mendelson, PhD, BCPsa
Stephen Miller, PhD, BCPsa
Diane Mink, PhD, BCPsa
Chris Minnick, MD, BCPsa
Batya Monder, LCSW, BCD, BCPsa
Marie Murphy, MS, MSW, BCD, BCPsa
Maureen Murphy, PhD, BCPsa
Helen Nedelman, PsyD, FIPA, BCPsa
Maxine Nelson, LICSW, BCPsa
Debra Neumann, PhD, BCPsa
Jack Novick, PhD, BCPsa
Kerry Kelly Novick, PhD, PC, BCPsa
Lori O’Brien, PhD, BCPsa
Robert Oelsner, MD, FIPA, BCPsa
Avedis Panajian, PhD, BCPsa
Rachael Peltz, PhD, BCPsa
Fredric Perlman, PhD, BCPsa
Honey Pietruszka, PsyD, BCPsa
Leide Porcu, PhD, LP, BCPsa
Peggy Porter, PhD, BCPsa
Adriana Prengler, LMHC, FIPA, BCPsa
Eugene Pryor, PsyD, BCPsa
Maria Liliana Raez, PhD, BCPsa
Lee Rather, PhD, BCPsa
Justine Kalas Reeve, Dpsych, BCPsa
Richard Reichbart, PhD, BCPsa
Annie Reiner, PhD, PsyD, BCPsa
Bruce Reis, PhD, BCPsa
Rita Reiswig, MS, BCPsa
Marilyn Rifkin, LCSW, BCPsa
Charlotte Riley, PsyD, BCPsa
Susan B. Roane, PhD, BCPsa
Marianne Robinson, LICSW, PhD, FIPA BCPsa
Patricia Rosbrow, PhD, BCPsa
Thomas Rosbrow, PhD, BCPsa
John Rosegrant, PhD, BCPsa
Charles M. Rosen, LCSW, BCPsa
Edward Madison Rounds, PsyD, BCPsa
Robert Rovner, PhD, BCPsa
Lynne S. Rubin, PhD, BCPsa
Ann Rudovsky, LCSW, BCPsa
Cindy Sachs, MA, MFT, ABD, BCPsa
Desy Safan-Gerard, PhD, BCPsa
Marc Sanders, PhD, BCPsa
Jeffrey Sandler, MD, BCPsa
Sue Saperstein, PsyD, BCPsa
Joan Ellen Sarnat, PhD, ABPP, BCPsa
Joy Schary, PsyD, LMFT, BCPsa
Gayle Scott, PhD, BCPsa
Lisa Selin, PhD, BCPsa
Barbara Elaine Sewell, LMHC, BCPsa
Deborah Shaw, PhD, BCPsa
Beth Siegel, PsyD, BCPsa
Judith Siegel, PhD, BCPsa
Susan D. Siegeltuch, LCSW, BCPsa
Phyllis Sloate, PhD, FIPA, BCPsa
Donna Roth Smith, LCSW, BCPsa
Linda Sobelman, PhD, BCPsa
Angela Sowa, PsyD, MFT, BCPsa
Elin Sowle, PhD, BCPsa
Charles Spezzano, PhD, BCPsa
Ivria Spieler, PhD, PsyD, MFT, BCPsa
Alan Spivak, PhD, BCPsa
Deborah Stern, PsyD, BCPsa
Jon Tabakin, PhD, BCPsa
Aaron Thaler, PhD, BCPsa
Toni Thompson, LCSW, FIPA, BCD, BCPsa
Drew Tillotson, PsyD, BCPsa
Leigh Tobias, PhD, FIPA, BCPsa
Elizabeth Toole, PhD, BCPsa
Valerie Rubenstein von Raffay, PhD, BCPsa
Neal Vorus, PhD, FIPA, BCPsa
Rhonda Ward, LCSW, FIPA, BCPsa
Dana Wideman, PhD, BCPsa
Sandra Wilder-Padilla, PhD, BCPsa
Michael Windholz, PhD, BCPsa
Randi Wirth, PhD, BCPsa
Peter Wolson, PhD, BCPsa
Enid Young, PhD, BCPsa
Debra Zatz, MSW, BCPsa